
Posted by Ujieka in

today's lunchtime conversations were abuzzed with jobs allocations - of where people end up working next year. job applications had been in nearly two months ago and the employers had made their choice of employees - and everyone who were in the first match scheme had been offered a job. and that's about everyone that i know and see everyday, the locals. whereas i, an international student, will have to hold my breath for another month or so before i learn of my fate..

for the past months leading up to the closing of the deadlines, i had been toying with the idea of working in singapore or australia. the thought of working and exploring a whole new environment and healthcare system had intially sparked enthusiasm in the child in me. but alas, right up to the final moments, ive decided to stay in this country. almost six years now, but i think, i am still not over new zealand yet - i am still clinging and planting my feet firmly on this land, unready to run away.

ah. another month of waiting before i know of my answer. if things are going well, i am going to work with two of my best mates, Amiin. its really hard to tell at this stage, jobs are not aplenty and being an international student doesnt really help much either. i'd like to think of myself as an independent adult, and yet, i am still childishly clinging on my dear friends and praying in my little heart, that somehow, we will end up working and living together.

ah. but i must always be optimistic.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 4 at Wednesday, August 04, 2010 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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